
By: Tayler Glenn

By now you probably know that processed and salty foods are culprits when it comes to bloating, but it’s not just unhealthy snacks you’ve got to keep an eye on. Even the healthiest foods can sneakily cause the  gas and bloating you’re trying so hard to avoid. Curious? Here are five of the most common healthy, bloat-causing foods, and a few ideas for healthy things to eat instead!

到目前為止,你可能知道加工和高鹽食物是導致腹脹的罪魁禍首,但你要避免的並不單止是不健康零食。 即使你正在努力避免這種情況發生,最健康的食物也可能會不知不覺間導致腹脹。想知原因嗎? 這裡有五種最常見的健康亦會引起腹脹的食物,以及一些建議食物!


What Is Bloating?

Bloating, in short, is when your stomach feels swollen or enlarged and it’s a very common (and unpleasant) feeling that most of us have experienced at one point or another. It generally happens after eating, and is usually caused by air, gas, or other digestive issues caused by the foods you’ve just ingested.

While all bacteria — good or bad — creates some amount of gas during your digestion process, there are certain foods that are more likely to trigger bacteria which leads to bloating.


簡而言之,腹脹是指你的胃脹或肚脹,這是一種非常普遍(和令人不愉快)的感覺,我們大多數人都曾經歷過這種感覺。 它通常發生在進食後,通常由你剛攝取的食物引起的氣體或其他消化問題引起。

雖然所有細菌 – 無論好壞 – 在消化過程中都會產生一定氣體,但某些食物更容易引發細菌,導致腹脹。

Bloat-Causing Foods

Sparkling Drinks

Sodas, water, and even kombucha can contribute to a mean belly bloat. These drinks contain high amounts of carbon dioxide to give you the bubbles you’re after, but some of that gas can get trapped in your digestive system. Kombucha, despite its probiotic properties, contributes to bloat because of its sugar which can feed bacteria.


Alternatives: Still water (plain or with natural fruit flavors), coffee, and tea are all great alternatives to sparkling drinks. Just be sure to stay away from anything containing fake sweeteners or sugar.




蘇打水,水,甚至康普茶都會導致腹脹。 這些飲料含有大量的二氧化碳,會經身體腸道排出,但是一些氣體會被困在你的消化系統中。 康普茶儘管具有益生菌特性,但由於其可以作為細菌食物,因此會導致膨脹。


替代品:水(普通或天然水果口味),咖啡和茶都是有汽飲品的有好代替品。 一定要遠離含有人造甜味劑或糖的任何東西。

Cruciferous Vegetables

Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and kale are all on the nice list…until it comes to belly bloat. Each of these veggies is a bloat-causing food due to the non-digestible sugar called raffinose and an easily fermentable fiber called pectin. Don’t be quick to cut them out, though! These veggies contain powerful antioxidants and minerals that are important in your healthy diet, but maybe opt for cooked versions or save those dishes for after the beach.


Alternatives: Cooking these types of vegetables can help break down those pesky non-digestible fibers to give your system a helping hand or give fermented veggies like kimchi and sauerkraut a try! You also have plenty of other veggies, like spinach, cucumbers, lettuce, sweet potatoes, and zucchini.



西蘭花,椰菜花,捲心菜,抱子甘藍和羽衣甘藍都在健康食物的好選擇……但對於腹脹,可能不是最好選擇。 由於稱為棉子糖的不易消化的糖和稱為果膠的易發酵纖維,這些蔬菜都是引起腹腫的食物。 但是,不需要完全不吃它們! 這些蔬菜含有強效的抗氧化劑和礦物質,這對你的健康飲食很重要,但也許可選擇煮熟來吃或在外出海灘後食用。


替代方案:烹飪這些類別的蔬菜可以幫助分解那些不易消化的纖維,幫助腸道更易消化,你或可嘗試泡菜和酸菜等發酵蔬菜! 你還有很多其他的蔬菜選擇,如菠菜,青瓜,生菜,蕃薯和意大利青瓜。


Dairy Products

Many people notice bloating after enjoying dairy products, but not just the ones we’ve (sometimes wrongfully) labeled as unhealthy such as chocolate and cheese. You may also notice bloating after enjoying milk, cream cheese, and whey protein! The most common culprit? Lactose intolerance. This milk sugar is a pretty common problem with 65% of people having trouble digesting it. There’s also a lesser-known component of dairy called A1, a milk protein that can cause the same issues as lactose.


Alternatives: If you’re only experiencing slight issues, you may be one of the lucky lactose intolerant who can handle a little lactose in specific dairy foods. Often you can enjoy cream, butter, or fermented dairy like yogurt or kefir without too much of a problem. If you want to (or have to) play is safe, then opt for dairy-free alternatives such as nut or oat milks, plant-based protein, or try an over-the-counter lactase supplement.



許多人在享用乳製品後會有腹脹的情況,但不僅僅是那些我們(有時被錯誤地)標記為不健康的食物,如朱古力和乳酪。 在享用牛奶,忌廉奶酪和乳清蛋白後,你可能還會注意到有腹脹的情況! 最常見的罪魁禍首? 是乳糖不耐症。 這種乳糖是一個非常常見的問題,65%的人難以消化它。 還有一種鮮為人知的乳製品成分叫做A1,這種乳蛋白可以引起與乳糖相同的問題。


替代方案:如果你只是遇到輕微困擾,你可能是乳糖不耐症之一的人士,可以在特定的乳製品中消化少量乳糖。 通常你可以享受牛油,忌廉或發酵乳製品,如乳酪或開菲爾,沒有產生太多問題。 如果你想(或必須)安全為上,那麼可選擇無乳製品替代品,如堅果或燕麥奶,植物蛋白,或嘗試非處方乳糖酶補充劑。



Beans & lentils all fall into the category of bloat-causing foods and, despite being healthy, may not be the best to have on your plate before a fitting. Both foods contain FODMAPs, a group of fermentable short-chain carbohydrates that are difficult to break down. These carbs are not easily absorbed in the small intestine which means that gut bacteria have more time to feed on the sugars to produce gas and bloating.

Alternatives: Soaking or sprouting your beans and lentils can help avoid the belly bloat, but opting for light lentils may help as well since they are generally lower in fiber than darker ones. Pinto beans and black beans may be more digestible options, especially after soaking, but you can also replace them with quinoa.


豆類和扁豆都屬於引起腹脹的食物類別,儘管它們很健康,但在裝配前可能不是最好的。 這兩種食物都含有FODMAPs,這是一組難以分解的可發酵短鏈碳水化合物。 這些碳水化合物不易被小腸吸收,這意味著腸道細菌有更多時間以糖為食物,產生氣體和腹脹。


替代方案:浸泡或發芽豆和扁豆可以幫助避免腹脹,但選擇輕扁豆可能也有幫助,因為它們通比較深的豆通常含較低纖維。 斑豆和黑豆可能更容易被消化的選擇,特別是在浸泡後,你也可以用藜麥代替它們。


Sugar Alcohols

Sugar alcohols like aspartame and sucralose contribute to bloating and gas. Take sorbitol, for example. You’ve probably had it in gum and sugar-free candies, but not many know that this sweetener actually can’t be digested. This can cause water retention and, like other artificial sweeteners, may disrupt your microbiome and boost the bacteria that end up causing gas.


Alternatives: Read nutrition labels carefully and limit foods containing sucralose, aspartame, sorbitol, and saccharin. When in doubt, a good rule of thumb is to stick to whole foods!



糖醇如阿斯巴甜和三氯蔗糖有助於腹脹和氣體。 以山梨糖醇為例。 你可能已經在口香糖和無糖糖果中接觸了它,但是很少有人知道這種甜味劑實際上不能被消化。 這可能導致水分滯留,並且像其他人造甜味劑一樣,可能會破壞你的微生物組並增加最終導致氣體的細菌。

替代方案:仔細閱讀營養標籤,限制含有三氯蔗糖,阿斯巴甜,山梨糖醇和糖精的食物。 如果有疑問,一個好的經驗法則是堅持整個食物!