大蝦牛油果翠玉瓜麵 King Prawn Avocado Zoodles

Zoodles is no noodles but has the noodle mouthfeel, Zoodles means noodle made with zucchini, or use cucumber to make it, both are low calories and carbohydrate, and weight management friendly. Shred zucchini or cucumber in to ‘Noodles’ with a Veggie Pasta Spaghetti Slicer or a fruit planer, or slice it a regular planer and cut into ‘Wide Noodles’, and it good to cook like regular noodles.
速效減重計劃 Corresponding TLS Program
🥣份量 Servings
🥗食材 Ingredients
意瓜/翠玉瓜Courgette/Zucchini 2條
牛油果 Avocado 1 個
檸檬 Lemon 1 個
大海蝦 King Prawn 半斤Half a catty (300 g)
黑胡椒Black Pepper 適量

👨🍳做法 Method
1. 預熱焗爐至405oC,在大平底鑊噴上一層食油。
Preheat the oven to 405oC. Spray a layer of edible oil on the surface of a pan.
2. 洗淨大海蝦、挑走蝦腸,備用。
Wash the King prawn, remove its intestine. Set aside.
3. 把牛油果切碎,用匙羹搗成糊狀,加入檸檬
Mash the avocado into paste. Add lemon to it.
4. 每隻大海蝦用錫紙單獨包裹,並放在焗盤上。每隻大海蝦中間留有空間。焗15-18分鐘。
Wrap each prawn with a piece of aluminum foil and place it on a baking tray. Reserve some spaces between each prawn. Grill for 15 – 18 min.
5. 意瓜/ 翠玉瓜( 刨成絲/ 麵條狀) 放入滾水 3分鐘, 即時攞起~ 沖可食用凍水~ 降溫後把牛油果醬 均勻 混入麵完
Shred the courgette/Zucchini and put it into boiled water for 3 min. Remove it from boiled water and wash with cool edible water. Mix with avocado paste when it is cooled.
6. 把焗好的海蝦放麵上, 擺盤即完成
Place the grilled prawn on top of the courgette/Zucchini.
📋: Certified TLS Trainer Karmen Chiu