


Caribbean Shrimp

🥣份量 Servings


🥗食材 Ingredients

大蝦蝦仁 Shrimp 1磅lb.
鮮榨西柚汁 Freshly Squeezed Grapefruit Juice ¼杯cup
青檸檬皮 Lime Zest 1安士oz
青檸檬汁 Lime Juice ¼安士oz
大蒜 Garlic 1瓣clove
鹽 Salt ¼茶匙tsp
辣椒 Chill 適量Appropriate

👨🍳做法 Method

  1. 混合所有材料。蓋好冷藏至少2小時。

Mix all ingredients together. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

  1. 按個人喜好,將蝦烤、焗或炒熟。

Cook shrimp as desired – broil, bake or sauté.



Cool and Creamy Lime Chicken

🥣份量 Servings


🥗食材 Ingredients

青檸檬Lime 1個
雞胸肉Chicken Breasts 4塊
田園沙律醬Detox-Friendly Ranch Dressing 8 湯匙TBSP
田園沙律醬製作食材Detox-Friendly Ranch Dressing Ingredients
蛋(室溫)Egg (Room Temperature) 1個
橄欖油或牛油果油Olive Or Avocado Oil 1 杯cup
青檸檬汁 Lime Juice 1湯匙 TBSP
紅酒醋Red Wine Vinegar 2 湯匙TBSP
海鹽Sea Salt 1 茶匙tsp
胡椒Pepper 1 茶匙tsp
洋蔥粉Onion Powder ¾ 茶匙tsp
蒜粉Garlic Powder ¾茶匙 tsp
无糖(全脂)椰奶Unsweetened (Full Fat) Coconut Milk ½ 杯cup
香菜(或其他香草)Cilantro (Or Herb Of Choice) 1 把handful


👨🍳做法 Method

  1. 將 1 個青檸檬汁擠入不粘鍋中,調到用中高火。 加入雞肉烹煮。

Squeeze juice of 1 lime into a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken

and cook.

  1. 雞肉烹煮的時候,做田園沙律醬。 將所有田園沙律醬食材混合在攪拌機中,並攪拌約 1 分鐘。(可以在冰箱中保存一周。)

While chicken is cooking, make the ranch dressing. Blend all ingredients for approximately 1 minute in a blender. (It lasts in the refrigerator for one week.)


  1. 將雞肉完全煮熟,從平底鍋中取出,用在每塊雞胸肉上加上2湯匙田園沙律醬。

Once the chicken is fully cooked, remove from the skillet and spoon 2 TBSP of the dressing over each breast.


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