
為了幫助我們前進和訂立真正想要和可衡量的目標,我們需要從反思過去一年開始。回顧和反思是幫助我們在生活中前進的重要一環。 沒有人能預測或操控未來,但我們絕對可以控制個人想法和採取一致的行動。


  1. 我克服過最大的挑戰是甚麼?
  2. 何時是我最難忘的時刻?
  3. 甚麼是我學習到的最好事情,讓我在健康、財務和人際關係上得到改善?
  4. 我最感激的是甚麼?為甚麼?
  5. 甚麼事情是我視之為理所當然?
  6. 我的生活方式作出了甚麽改變,使我的身心健康得到改善?
  7. 如果要把健康放在首位,需要先克服一個障礙,它會是甚麼?
  8. 在團隊中,誰在我有需要的時候支持我?
  9. 我去年的新年目標是甚麼?實現了嗎?如果是,列出來。如果沒有,為甚麼?
  10. 我是否每天都做一些事情並優先考慮自己的健康和生活?如果是,請列出來。



  1. 訂立S.M.A.R.T(具體、可量化、可達成、實際可行、有時限)目標 –想想你為甚麼想要作出改變?為甚麼這種改變對你很重要? 是為了健康? 提升力量?感覺良好?運動時不會出現不適感?多跟兒孫玩樂?
  2. 建立責任制度 加入團隊讓自己完成責任、以參加挑戰獎開始,並找志同道合的人士加入團隊。
  3. 建立一個互相支援的系統 –把你的計劃告知你的親人,並建議他們加入。和家人和朋友一起時,總會有一些奇妙時刻,這正是當初我們設立挑戰獎的原因。
  4. 堅持– 時刻記住,要養成一個新習慣需要30至90天,因此,耐性和堅持就是關鍵。


Sosan Hau ,註冊營養師(RD),認證糖尿病教育者(CDE



Year after year, we make New Year’s Resolutions but how many of us follow through until we achieve our goals?  There are many reasons why our New Year’s Resolutions fizzle out by Valentine’s Day; one is making unrealistic goals, too many goals, or not specific enough goals just to name a few.

To help us move forward and set goals that truly reflect what we want and can be measured, we need to start with reflecting on the past year.  A reflection or review is an integral part to help us move forward in life.  No one can predict or control the future, but we can certainly control our thoughts and take consistent actions.

To help you reflect on your year, here are some questions to ponder and to write down in your journal.

  1. What was the single biggest challenge I overcame?
  2. What were my most memorable moments?
  3. What were the best things that I learned that move me forward in my health, finances, and personal relationship?
  4. What was I most grateful for and why?
  5. What were the things I took for granted?
  6. What is one thing I changed in my lifestyle that improve my health physically and mentally?
  7. What is one barrier that I had to overcome to prioritize my health if any?
  8. Who was in my tribe that supported me during a time of need?
  9. What was my goal this past year and did I achieve it?If yes, list them.  If not, why not?
  10. Did I do anything to prioritize my health and wellbeing daily?If so, please list them.

These are some questions to help you get started on reflecting on the past year for you to approach the new year with excitement and a concrete plan of action.

Here are some tips to help you increase and maintain your new year resolution:

  1. Set S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) goals – think of WHY you want to make the changes and why is the change is IMPORTANT to you?  Is it for health?  Energy? Feeling good? Movement without discomfort? Playing more with your children or grandchildren?
  2. Put in place an accountability system – find your tribe to keep you accountable, kick start with a challenge and join teams of like-minded individuals.
  3. Have a support system in place – tell your loved ones of your plan and suggested for them to join you as well. There is always something magical about doing it together with friends and family which is exactly why we created Team Tone Up Challenge in the first place.
  4. Consistency – always remember it can take 30 to 90 days to form a new habit, so the key is patience and consistency.

Remember, you are worth it, prioritize yourself, because you deserve the results you desire. May this year be YOUR year.

Sosan Hau, RD, CDE

TLS Director of Training