TLS 21日修身挑戰比賽-7月份優勝者

First month of TLS 21 Day Challenge has ended! We are glad to see many of you have achieved amazing results! Among all those successful contestants, one winner form each group (Male and Female) were selected. Please join me to congrats Ms. Phoenix Wong and Mr. Fung Fai Cheung on winning the TLS 21 Day Challenge July Contest!

August and September contests are on going. Submit your before and after photos, weight loss numbers and testimonials sharing to for a chance to win amazing prizes! You can be the next winner!

For more information about the contest, please visit!

Winner (Female) : Phoenix Wong

Weight lost: 4.4lbs

Fat% lost: 7.8%

CM lost: 6.5cm


Winner (Male): Cheung Yung Fai

Weight lost: 7.7lbs

Fat% lost: 8.3%

CM lost: 7cm



*Results shown in this testimonial may varies between individuals. TLS® supplements are part of The TLS® Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.


TLS 21 日修身挑戰 2019 – 7月優勝者

TLS 21天挑戰賽的9月份已經結束! 我們很高興看到許多人取得了驚人的成果! 在眾多參賽者中,我們已在每個組別(男性和女性)中選出一名優勝者。 恭喜Phoenix Wong小姐和Cheung Yung Fai 先生贏得TLS 21天挑戰賽七月比賽!

8月和9月的比賽正在進行中。 將你的前後照片,減重數字和減重文字分享電節至,以獲得豐富獎品! 你都可以成為下一個優勝者!


優勝者 (女士組別): Phoenix Wong

體重減少: 4.4 磅
體脂減少: 7.8 %
腰圍減少:6.5 厘米


優勝者 (男士組別): Cheung Yung Fai

體重減少: 7.7 磅
體脂減少: 8.3 %
腰圍減少: 7 厘米

