超簡易TLS食譜Easy TLS Recipes

你正在尋找更多TLS食譜嗎? 進行過TLS 減重計劃的朋友都知道TLS飲食其實有很多選擇。Hk.tlsSlim.com 上提供一係列適合不同減重計劃的飲食食譜,總有一款食譜適合你!今次由TLS授証教練Irene Mak為大家介紹超簡易TLS食譜!

Are you searching for more TLS recipes? For those who have followed TLS weight loss plan know that TLS menu provides you variety of food choices. Visit hk.tlsSlim.com to find more recipes for each of the TLS weight loss plan, there must be one that you like! Today, we have TLS certified coach Irene to show us the two simple TLS recipes!

By: TLS Certified Coach Irene Mak



  • 先將蔬菜放入鍋,中火焗2分半鐘,然後煎焗比目魚,再放入番茄稍煎就完成。

Easy recipe 1:

2 Golden kiwi, broccoli, Choi Sum, Chinese cabbage, 1 tomato, flounder fish

– Put vegetable into pot, broil under medium heat for 2 and half minutes, pan-fry fish, and add in tomato, pan-fry until done.








Easy recipe 2:

Salad greens, cherry tomato, orange, mackerel

-Clean and wash salad greens and tomato. Served with orange slices and baked mackerel.