by: Tayler Glenn

Are you ready to hit the beaches this year looking and feeling better than ever? If you’re ready to #FindYourFit and change your life, now is the time to Spring Into Summer with TLS® Weight Loss!

今年,你準備好以更自信纖形的體態到沙灘打卡了嗎?如你準備好改變你的生活,追求更健康的自己,是時候透過TLS 健康生活纖營計劃開展這個盛夏!

What Is TLS® Weight Loss? TLS 健康生活纖營計劃是甚麼?

First things first – this isn’t a “one and done” fad diet; this is a lifestyle.

Research has shown time and time again that fad diets don’t work. Sure- you may drop a few pounds at first, but how much of that was simply water weight and what happens when the diet ends? Those trendy fads and quick fixes set you up for failure because they aren’t sustainable and don’t teach you the tools to keep the weight off!

Transitions Lifestyle Solution® (TLS®) is different. We ditched the scales and calorie counting for our four components: Low-Glycemic Impact Eating, Improved Body Composition, Science-Based Supplementation, and Education. These four cornerstone components help you create a sustainable, healthy lifestyle works for you! Here’s how:

首先,TLS 健康生活纖營計劃並不是風靡一時的短暫式瘦身餐單,而是一個生活模式。

一個又一個的 出短暫式的瘦身餐單並不可行。當然,最初你或會減輕了數磅,但當中的水分又佔了多少?完成餐單後又會如何?那些風靡一時的速效瘦身技倆只會令你失敗,因為它們不能持續實行,再者它們並沒有教導你減重的技巧!

TLS 健康生活纖營計劃與此截然不同,我們摒棄了磅數及卡路里的計算。計劃的4大元素:低升糖飲食、改善身體組成、科研實證的營養補充品及教學,助你建立一個長遠可行的健康生活模式!看看以下,了解如何透過TLS 健康生活纖營計劃達成你的減重目標。

  • We Teach You Healthier Habits for Life
    Eventually, because no one wants to live off of cabbage soup for the rest of their lives, your diet ends. Then what?  TLS® Weight Loss takes a different approach, teaching you why you’re choosing certain foods and how those foods impact your body and your life. Not only will you know which choices to make, but you’ll also know why you’re making them!
  • 教授更健康的生活習慣

相信沒有人想一輩子只靠什菜湯為主食來過活,當你放棄節食,之後又會怎樣?TLS 健康生活纖營計劃採取不同的方式,教授你食物的選擇,讓你了解這些食物對你的身體及生活帶來的影響。不單令你懂得選擇食物,更讓你明白選擇這些食物的原因!

  • TLS® Weight Loss Is Flexible
    Life isn’t rigid or predictable, so why would your weight loss solution be? Our comprehensive, educational program is custom-made to fit you and your unique lifestyle – no matter where you are on your weight loss journey. Flexibility is key to the Transitions Lifestyle Solution program which makes it easy to live the lifestyle over the many stages of life.


  • TLS 健康生活纖營計劃具靈活性

生活並不是刻板式或可預料的,所以你的減重計劃亦不必如是。不論你處於哪個減重階段,我們全面而富教育性的計劃都可切合你個人或獨有的生活模式所需而度身定制。靈活性是TLS 健康生活纖營計劃的關鍵,能切合各年齡層的不同生活模式,輕鬆實踐。

  • We Offer Coaching & Community
    Weight loss is a journey and we don’t think it’s one that you should have to undertake alone. TLS® Weight Loss offers certified coaches ready to lead you through this life-changing pursuit of health and wellness by providing training, advice, encouragement, strength, and inspiration.  Once you’ve created and customized your program, you can join the massive TLS® family on FacebookInstagramTwitterPinterest, and even keep up-to-date with trends and tips on the TLS® Blog!
  • 我們提供教練指導及團體夥伴

減重尤如一個旅程,我們認為不應獨自去進行。TLS 健康生活纖營計劃提供授證教練,透過提供培訓、建議、鼓勵、力量及啟發,引領你邁向改變一生的健康目標。當你已制定好個人化的計劃後,你可透過Facebook加入TLS 健康生活纖營計劃的大家庭,更可緊貼TLS Blog獲取最新的減重趨向及貼士!

What You’ll Eat on TLS® Weight Loss? TLS 健康生活纖營計劃能吃什麼?

Like we said, TLS® is a lifestyle. This means you’ll be eating real, delicious, whole foods on your weight loss journey!

Our low-GI based program centers on food quality to help you change your diet by teaching you to choose foods and create meals that help you will feel energized, alert, and productive.  and fuel your body for change.  Controlling the glycemic impact of your foods helps to promote normal blood-sugar levels and enables the body to stay in a fat-burning mode so you see the results you’ve worked so hard for.

Another feature we offer is customized meal plans. These plans use your Weight Loss Profile to determine the best plan of action for your success. We offer a number of different plans ranging from aggressive approaches like 7-Day Detox and Fat Shredder to more gradual approaches like Continued Commitment.

Apart from our menu plans, we also supply useful how-to guides for healthy eating, shopping smart, dining out, making grocery lists and more!

正如我們所說,TLS 健康生活纖營計劃是一個生活模式,意味在你減重的過程中,將可吃到真實而美味的完全食物!




Ready to Get Started?

It’s about time you started living a lifestyle you love, right? You’ve got the goals, we’ve got the tools, and the time to start is now! If you’re ready to change your life and start seeing results, here’s what you have to do:

Take the Weight Loss Profile!

This quiz will help determine the right supplements and meal plan for your goals and can help connect you to a TLS® Coach to guide you on your journey!

Grab Your Meal Plan + Supplements

You can’t out-exercise a poor diet, so it’s time to focus in on nutrition! While you’re making healthy changes, our science-based supplementation is here to help ease you past the roadblocks and keep you moving forward.

Join the Community!

We share tips, recipes, and inspiration on our Facebook so give us a follow!



  • 完成體重管理問卷!


  • 制定你的飲食計劃,配合營養補充品


  • 結伴同行!
