By: Kayla Adams

White rice is a cheap, easily-accessible staple in many kitchens but, considering 1 cup has about 45g of carbs, it just isn’t an everyday option. Thankfully, there are plenty of delicious alternatives to white rice!

I’ve loved rice just as long as I’ve been a self-proclaimed foodie (since forever), but my obsession reached an all-time high when I was around 10 years old. My favorite uncle married a woman from South Carolina, and I wound up spending time with them on weekends and summer vacations. My new aunt cooked white rice with EVERYTHING, every dish you could imagine. I was hooked! Your rice story, whatever it is, has probably led you to eat way more rice than what’s nutritionally beneficial to your body.

Fiber and protein are stripped from white rice during milling, and these nutrients are extremely important for health and wellness because they help you feel fuller with fewer calories. I’ve found a couple of great alternatives to white rice when I’m in need of something with more vitamins, minerals, and protein.






Quinoa is rich in fiber and protein, which makes it one of the best alternatives to white rice. It contains all the essential amino acids and is vegan-friendly—a major plus! One cup of cooked quinoa provides about 222 calories, 8.14 grams of protein, and 5.2 grams of fiber in comparison to white rice’s 242 calories, 4.4 grams of protein, and .6 grams of fiber. The higher amounts of fiber seen in quinoa can help in reducing constipation, heart disease, and may even help to improve blood sugar.

Quinoa has a subtle nutty taste that allows it to be used interchangeably in many dishes and it cooks tender in only about 15 minutes. Super quick and convenient! Try this delicious recipe the next time you grab some quinoa to incorporate into your diet as one of your alternatives to white rice.

藜麥含有豐富的纖維和蛋白質,是白米飯的最佳替代品之一。 它含有所有必需氨基酸,適合素食主義者食用! 與白米的242卡路里,4.4克蛋白質和0.6克纖維相比,一杯煮熟的藜麥提供約222卡路里,8.14克蛋白質和5.2克纖維。 藜麥中纖維含量較高可以幫助減少便秘,心臟病,甚至可能有助於改善血糖。

藜麥具有微妙的堅果味道,可以在許多菜餚中互換使用,只需15分鐘即可烹飪。 超級快捷方便! 下次你想加些藜麥作為白米飯的替代品之一時,可能嘗試這個美味食譜。

Simple Vegan Quinoa Fried Rice簡單素食藜麥炒飯


  • 1/2 cup quinoa (makes 2 cups cooked)
  • 1  T olive oil
  • 2 large carrots
  • 1 small head broccoli
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1 1/2 T soy sauce
  • 2 teaspoons rice wine vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons sesame oil
  • chopped green onion and/or basil to garnish, optional
  • your favorite hot sauce to serve


  • Start with cooking your quinoa, following the instructions on the bag.
  • Prep your carrots, broccoli, and garlic while the quinoa is cooking.
  • Cut the carrots into thin medallions so that they cook quickly and evenly (about 1 cm each), chop your broccoli into bite-sized florets, then finely chop your garlic.
  • When your ingredients are prepped and your quinoa is almost done (5 minutes left), add your olive oil over medium-high heat to a large wok (or pan).
  • Add the carrots first and cook for 2-3 minutes, then add your broccoli and garlic and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  • Strain your quinoa and add it to the wok along with the red pepper flake, soy sauce, and rice wine vinegar.
  • Sauté everything for another couple of minutes.
  • Add your sesame oil to create that rich, nutty flavor and cook for another minute.



  • 1/2杯藜麥(煮2杯)
  • 1湯匙橄欖油
  • 2個大紅蘿蔔
  • 1個小西蘭花
  • 1瓣大蒜
  • 1茶匙紅辣椒片
  • 1 & 1/2 湯匙醬油
  • 2茶匙米酒醋
  • 2茶匙芝麻油
  • 切碎的蔥和/或羅勒作裝飾,可省略
  • 你最喜歡的辣醬



  • 按照包裝袋上的說明開始烹煮藜麥。
  • 在藜麥烹飪時準備好紅蘿蔔,西蘭花和大蒜。
  • 將紅蘿蔔切成薄圓片(每個約1厘米),使它們快速均勻地煮熟,將西蘭花切成一口大小的小花,然後將大蒜切碎。
  • 當你把配料都準備好並且在藜麥差不多煮熟(剩下5分鐘)時,將橄欖油加入中高火的大鍋(或鍋)中。
  • 先加入紅蘿蔔,煮2-3分鐘,然後加入西蘭花和大蒜再煮2-3分鐘。
  • 將藜麥去水,加入乾辣椒片,醬油和米酒醋。
  • 炒幾分鐘就完成。
  • 加入芝麻油,製成濃郁的堅果味,再煮一分鐘。





Lentils are edible seeds derived from the legume family, and they are especially common in Asian and North African cuisines. They’re packed with B-vitamins, magnesium, zinc, and are made up of over 25% protein! 1 cup of cooked lentils generally provide about 230 calories, 39.9 grams of carbs, and 15.26 grams of fiber in comparison to white rice’s 242 calories, 53.2 grams of carbs, and .6 grams of fiber. Lentils are commonly used in soups but they’re extremely versatile and can be used as a food substitute for many things, particularly rice. Try this recipe whenever you’re looking for a healthy, fiber-filled alternative to white rice.

Crispy Lentils with Walnuts and Za’atar 香脆的扁豆與核桃


  • 2 T finely chopped onion
  • 1 cup julienned kale
  • 1 cup cooked lentils cooled and patted dry*
  • 1/2 cup roughly chopped walnuts
  • 1 tsp za’atar
  • 2 tsp lemon zest
  • 2 eggs
  • olive oil
  • salt


  • Add a splash of olive oil to a heavy-bottomed skillet over medium-high heat.
  • Once the oil is hot, add the onion and sauté until translucent then ddd the kale and sauté until bright green.
  • Stir in the lentils, walnuts, za’atar, and two big pinches of salt and continue to sauté until the lentils are crispy and walnuts are fragrant. This whole process takes 7-10 minutes.
  • Stir in the lemon zest.
  • At this point, if your skillet is large enough, you can move the lentil mixture to the side.  Otherwise, divide it among two plates before frying the eggs.
  • Add another splash of oil to the pan (if needed), crack in the eggs, and sprinkle each with a little salt.
  • Cover and cook until the edges are crispy, whites are just set, and yolks still runny. Plate the eggs over the lentils and serve warm.


Continue to seek healthier and more nutrient-packed alternatives to white rice & your other old-time favorite foods as you navigate through your health and wellness journey. When you’re grocery shopping, head to your local farmers market or international market and seek things outside of your comfort zone—and don’t forget to grab some quinoa and lentils!



  • 2湯匙切碎的洋蔥
  • 1杯切絲羽衣甘藍
  • 1杯煮熟的扁豆,冷卻並拍幹*
  • 1/2杯碎的核桃
  • 2茶匙檸檬皮
  • 2隻蛋
  • 橄欖油


  • 在中高溫下將橄欖油加入厚底鍋中。
  • 一旦油熱,加入洋蔥和炒至半透明,然後將羽衣甘藍炒至涼綠色。
  • 攪拌扁豆,核桃和兩把鹽,繼續炒,直到扁豆脆口,核桃香。整個過程需要7-10分鐘。
  • 攪拌檸檬皮。
  • 此時,如果你的煎鍋足夠大,你可以將扁豆混合物移到一邊。否則,在煎雞蛋之前將它分成兩個盤子。
  • 在鍋中加入油(如果需要的話),打入雞蛋,並撒上少許鹽。
  • 蓋上蓋子,煮至邊緣酥脆,白色剛剛放置,蛋黃仍然流心。將雞蛋放在扁豆上,加熱即可。


Continue to seek healthier and more nutrient-packed alternatives to white rice & your other old-time favorite foods as you navigate through your health and wellness journey. When you’re grocery shopping, head to your local farmers market or international market and seek things outside of your comfort zone—and don’t forget to grab some quinoa and lentils!

在你在向更健康之旅中,繼續尋求更營養的替代品代替白米和其他以前最喜歡的食物。當你在超級市場購物時,可以到當地的農市場或國際市場尋找舒適區以外的東西 – 不要忘記品嚐一些藜麥和扁豆!