By: Kayla Adams 為何要排毒? 排毒是去除身體毒素的一個好方法,以提升能量水平、支援消化、強健你的免疫系統,並且有助體重管理。排毒是運動及減重計劃的事前準備,讓你以清新及淨化的體態開展你的減重之旅。雖然我們的身體本身具有排毒的能力,但隨著我們每天接觸的毒素與日俱增,令我們的身體及周期性排毒功能超出了負荷。 在選擇排毒方式時,常存在很多誤解,而有些人認為在淨化身體的過程中,不可進食任何「實質」食物,這就錯了!其實,你可進食適量的雞蛋、去皮雞肉、鮮魚及水果,和無限量的蔬菜。 放鬆一點,你是可以進食的! 以下為你分享數款我喜愛的排毒食譜,望能給你一些頭緒及動力以開展你的排毒,你的腸道將會感謝你。 手撕雞莎莎 材料: 3 安士去皮手撕雞 1 杯 較稠的莎莎醬 1茶匙橄欖油 做法: 預備:將焗爐加熱至攝氏200度,模具抹上少許油。 將手撕雞平均分進兩個模具中,再將3/4 杯莎莎醬平均分進到兩個模具中。 焗15-18分鐘,從焗爐中取出,再把餘下的莎莎醬灑上。…
By: Debbie Lui Detox meals don’t have to be boring and tasteless! There are a great variety of vegetables to choose from, and this stir-fry…
By: Crystal Shelton So, you might have indulged just a bit too much over the holidays. Now, you’re feeling bloated and feel like it’s time for…
At MAIC 2017, Jessica Michaud was named the TLS Trainer of the year to recognize her hard work in educating others about TLS programs +…
By: Sue Pasqual Participating in the TLS Detox provides not only health benefits but gears your body up for fat burning while eliminating cravings and…
By: Ana Alvarez It’s that time of the year again! Summer is just around the corner and many people look forward to rocking that new bathing…