Discover the Key to Weight Loss

Are you looking for an extra edge in your weight loss journey?  A lot of people have already figured out a secret, that’s actually not so secret.  In fact, the answer lies right at your fingertips…

A study in the Journal of Medical Internet Research found that participants who utilize the tools on a weight-loss website were far more likely to achieve significant weight loss than those who don’t.  Those that entered their weight at least four times a month lost 11 pounds per month MORE than those who did not.  Also, those that posted at least one message on the message boards lost over 3 pounds more than those who did not.

You might say, “people made weight entries only when they were losing, and not gaining, weight”, and that therefore the results of the study became skewed.

Not so fast— it turns out that over 70 percent of research subjects posted at least 1 instance of weight gain over the course of the study! This indicates that it was not selective reporting that was responsible for these results, but rather the opposite. By forming the habit and establishing the routine of regular online reporting—as well as interacting with the online community—participants were able to develop their discipline, strengthen their resolve, and most importantly, persist in their efforts.

In the words of lead researcher Kevin Hwang, M.D., M.P.H., “The findings suggest that, if used in a certain way, an online weight loss program can be effective in producing significant weight loss by helping people keep track of their weight.  Some people who want to lose weight but avoid a scale for weeks on end can be engaging in a form of denial that can hamper weight loss.”

The TLS Slim subscription offers both of these features, along with many, many others.  Why not take advantage of the tools at hand?  Get the most out of your weight loss journey with this easy, proven method!