Transformation Tuesday: Tracey Steinbach

Every weight loss journey has a predisposition towards one common factor: motivation.  Motivation is the psychological cause of an action, and the driving force behind reaching a goal.  Being hungry motivates you to eat — but what are you hungry for?  What will you eat to satisfy that hunger?  Be hungry for change, for improvement, and for a healthier lifestyle.

Tracey Steinbach was looking for a way to get her health back on track.  Her weight had started slipping away, along with her muscle tone.  Looking for motivation, she signed up to run a half marathon with her daughters — and needed to get in shape if she was going to be able to compete.

She had tried different weight loss programs before, but never found one that suited her.  She was introduced to TLS through a friend, and, to make herself more accountable, she signed up with her husband.  The tlsSlim website provided the guidance she had lacked before, and she soon found that it would be pivotal in helping her reach her goal:

“The menus with spelled out food options, supplementation, coaching, website journaling, tutorials, videos and Meet On sessions made it very easy to stay on task.  I felt my body changing, my energy levels increasing.”

With her confidence blossoming, and her goal becoming a reality, Tracey saw her life changing before her eyes.

“As we moved through the challenge and the TLS system, we both knew that we were feeling better than we had in years and we were eating REAL food!  I’m not going to pretend that I haven’t tried many options, but this was by far the easiest and most sensible weight loss plan I have ever done. I never felt like I was on a ‘diet’, but only that I had to make some different choices to get to my goal.”

Tracey was an entirely different person than when she started the Challenge.  She achieved results she thought weren’t possible, and carries them with pride.

“I feel like I could talk forever about this program… I’m proud to say that I am 12.75 inches smaller, 10.6% less Body fat, 16.2 pounds less and actually gained 3.6 pounds of muscle!  I’ve also dropped pant sizes… and I have so much more energy.”

Motivation is a powerful tool for the human mind, helping provide hope and determination.  Tracey’s story shows how small steps turn to large strides, and that just because you reach your goal, doesn’t mean you have to stop there.

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” -Confucius