Stay Healthy So You Can Stay Active

Does exercise play a role in your weight maintenance goals? Of course it does and in order to continue that, one must stay healthy!

It’s much easier to lose motivation or talk yourself out of the gym when you are not feeling 100% well. The immune system is the body’s line of defense against harmful substances. Through its varied mechanisms and work of immune cells, it works to attack and keep out those foreign and problematic organisms that can cause sickness and disease. One ingredient, known as Wellmune®, is a source of beta glucans and primarily acts as complement to neutrophils, which are the most abundant immune cells in the body.

Wellmune® activates these immune cells, which are part of the body’s natural defenses, promoting them to respond more effectively without overstimulating the immune system. Even more interesting, there have been a total of nine clinical studies on Wellmune, some of which were done specifically on marathon runners or those participating in high intensity exercise. As a general summary, Wellmune reduced upper respiratory tract infections and cold and flu symptoms, while results also showed increases in vigor, energy levels and overall feelings of well-being.

To read more about Wellmune and the details of these studies, check out for more information.