Chinese New Year Eating Tips 新年飲食貼士

By: Debbie Lui

Chinese New Year is around the corner! While we are ready to celebrate the year of pig with blessings and traditional Chinese New Year foods, have we got any plans to stay on track this holiday?

While surrounding with delicious Chinese sweet cakes and treats, it is very difficult to walk away without having your hands and mouths full!

農曆新年即將來臨! 當我們正準備過一個充滿祝福和傳統新年食物的豬年同時,我們有沒有計劃在這個假期保持在正軌上?


To help you keep your weight in control during the holiday season, we have gathered some tips and suggestions for you. If you are following a TLS weight loss plan, TLS Flex Plan might be something that you wanted to incorporate with in this festival. Check out TLS Flex Plan at to see if TLS Flex Plan is suitable for you.

為了幫助你在節日期間控制體重,我們分享給你一些貼士和建議。 如果你正在進行TLS減重計劃,TLS Flex靈活飲食計劃可能會是你想在這個節日期間進行。 立即上hk.tlsSlim.com查看有關TLS Flex Plan靈活飲食計劃,看看你是否適合使用TLS 靈活飲食計劃。


  • 用蒸糕代替煎糕(即蒸蘿蔔糕,芋頭糕),以避免使用額外的油。 如果你一定要煎糕,你可以先把蒸糕直到半熟/熱,並在易潔鑊中加入少量植物油,再輕煎。


  • XO醬,海鮮醬,辣椒醬和豉油含有高含量鈉和脂肪,並應該少吃。 如果一定要點醬汁,可以選擇低鈉豉油。 在你開始食糕點之前,你應在自己的豉油碟倒入1-2茶匙以避免過份食用豉油。


  • 在假期期間,很難拒絕吃新年菜式和糕點,但為什麼不為自己和家人朋友製作健康菜式?己製作健康菜式,可以使你更好地控制自己吃的東西。做菜式時,可以加添創意,在食譜中加入更健康的食材,或用以取來其他食材,例如使用天然香草代替調味,加入或轉用低升糖食材,你甚至可以在烘焙或飲料配方中添加營養蛋白粉!



  • 如果你知道在接下來的一周裡你將會有一個朋友聚會或家庭晚餐,並且你將吃一些不應該包括在你的減重計劃中的食物,那你就需要制定一個食物計劃!制定膳食計劃並在當天安排健康的一餐有助你避免過度沉迷於不健康的食物。計劃你將吃多少件糕點,並計劃你會在什麼時間用“靈活餐/偷食餐”,寫下來並寫在入你日誌上的目標清單。當你有一個計劃時,你會不容易放棄。同時,你也可以記錄你在假期吃過的東西。


  • 在餐前吃高蛋白和高纖維小食,如營養蛋白粉,可以幫助你避免於正餐過份進食,因為你已在餐前吃過了。 另外,你不應該空肚外出。 我們都知道,空著肚外出會令我們更容易選擇外出就餐,或者在外出肚餓時選擇不應該吃的食物。


你有什麼建議讓自己在假期保持正軌上? 在下面的評論中與我們分享! 我們祝大家豬年快樂,瘦福齊享。


Tip # 1: Steam over Pan-fired

  • Always choose steam cakes (i.e. Steam radish cake, taro cake) over pan-fried to avoid using extra oil for cooking. If you are pan-frying cakes, you can steam cakes until half cooked, and add a small amount of plant-based oil in non-stick pan to pan-fry.

Tip #2: Say No to the Sauces

  • The XO sauce, Hoisin sauce, Chili and Soy sauces are high in sodium and fat, which you should be eating less. Choose low-sodium soy sauce if have to. Before you dig into the cakes and treats, instead of drizzling sauces right on top, pour 1 -2 teaspoon(s) of soy sauce in your own saucer to avoid overeating.

Tip #3: Make your Own Healthy Recipe

  • While it is hard to refuse eating traditional New Year dishes and cakes in the holiday, why not make your own healthy version recipes for yourself, family and friends? This way, you can have more control of what you are eating. Be creative, and incorporate and substitute healthier ingredients in the recipes, such as using natural herbs for seasonings, add or substitute low GI ingredients and even adding nutrition shake powder in your baking or drink recipes!

Tip #4: Make a Plan

  • If you know that you will be having a come-over or family dinner in the coming week, and you will be eating a plate of foods that shouldn’t be included in your weight loss plan, make a food plan! Making a meal plan and scheduling a healthy meal on the day to avoid over-indulging in those unhealthy foods. Plan how many pieces of cake you will be eating, and plan on which meal will be the “flexible meal/ treat meal”, write them down and include in your goal list on your journal.  When you have a plan, you are less likely to give in. You can also keep track of what you have been eating over the holiday.

Tip #5: Have a Healthy Snack before The meal

  • Having high protein and high fiber snacks such as nutrition shakes before meal can help you to avoid overeating at the dining table, since you have already eaten before the meal. Plus, you don’t want to go-out with an empty stomach. We all know that we are more likely to eat out or grab foods we aren’t supposed to when going out hungry.

Chinese New Year isn’t necessary a difficulty time for weight management, with above TLS tips, keeping body weight in control during the holiday can be possible!

What are your tips to keep yourself on track in the holiday? Share with us in the comment below! We wish you all have a Happy Chinese New Year filled with joys and happiness.