TLS 貼士:春夏季的低GI水果

By: Sue Pasqual


Summer is so close, and with that comes beach parties, family cookouts and just more being outside & enjoying life. One of our favorite parts? Farmer’s Markets! Shopping local and fresh can add a new & exciting change to your summer cooking experience, and it’s hard to go wrong when you’re choosing veggies – but, what about fruits? If you’re living the TLS® Lifestyle, you should know how to choose the best fruits for your plan. So, here is our go-to guide for choosing low-GI fruits for spring & summer!

夏天將至,隨之而來的是就是沙灘派對,家庭野餐和享受戶外出生活的時候。 而在夏天我們最喜歡的活動之一?就是去逛農墟! 購買本地和新鮮食材可以為你的夏季烹飪體驗增添新鮮感和樂趣,選擇購買健康的蔬菜都不困難 – 但是,水果呢? 如果你跟隨TLS®生活模式,你應該知道如何為自己的計劃選擇最好的水果。 所以,這是我們為你準備的選擇春夏季低GI水果的首選指南!


Fruits & The Low-GI Scale

Believe it or not, most of your favorite and most common fruits are on the low on the GI (Glycemic Index)  scale so don’t worry; you don’t have to start shelling out for exotic fruits from across the globe!  Before I dive into which fruits are the most impactful for keeping you on track to your weight loss goals, it is important to understand why some are better than others.


信不信由你,你最喜歡和最常見的水果大多數都屬於低GI(升糖指數),所以不要擔心; 你不需要開始搜尋來自世界各地的異國水果! 在我們深入研究哪些水果對於保持你的減重目標最有影響之前,我們最重要的是要了解為什麼有些水果比其他水果更好。


Carbs Break Down Into Sugar

First and foremost, we have to remember that carbohydrates are our bodies main source of energy.  This means that the carbs you find in food including bread and fruit also break down into sugar. Sugar has been demonized, but our bodies actually need sugar – just the right kinds in the right amounts.


首先,我們必須記住碳水化合物是我們身體的主要能量來源。 這代表在食物中的碳水化合物,包括麵包和水果,也會分解成糖。 糖份都被我們過份醜化,但事實上我們的身體需要糖份 – 適當的種類及適量的份量。


Quality & Quantity Matter

Sugar, in the wrong amount and quality, can be stored as fat.  So, when we place food on the Glycemic Impact scale, we take into consideration the quality of the food and how quickly or slowly it would raise blood sugar levels. The slower that food raises blood sugar levels, the less likely it is to be stored as fat.


攝取不正確份量和品質的糖份時,會被儲存為脂肪。 因此,當我們將食物放在升糖指數量表上時,我們會考慮本身食物的質量以及提高血糖水平的速度。 食物提高血糖水平越慢,它作為脂肪儲存的可能性就越小。


Spring & Summer Fruits on the Low-GI Scale

When you are picking your summer fruits from your favorite farmers market or grocery store, you’ll notice there are quite a few low-GI options ones to choose from.

Cherries are packed with antioxidants, and they have a Glycemic Index score of 20.  They have a short growing season, so when you find them, get them fast!





Grapefruit is another fan favorite with a low glycemic index rating of 25.  Many people have found that grapefruit can interfere with many prescription drugs, so just be sure to read your drug labels! It is always wise to eat the skin with any fruit you can (of course, we aren’t talking pineapples or bananas or oranges here, which are all on the low side!) because the skins are jam-packed with fiber!

Apples have a GI score of 38, and are well-loved for weight loss because of their high soluble fiber & water content! If you have an orchard nearby, it’s also a great activity to get the family up & moving!

Pears sit right with apples with a GI score of 38. When ripe & full, these make a perfect sweet treat without the deleterious effect of spiking blood sugar.





Plums have a slightly higher score at 40, mostly from the sugars and carbohydrates in the fruit. Despite its sweetness, it isn’t dense in calories but it is dense in fiber which makes it a great snack!

Peaches are far lower on the GI scale with a score of 28 which is great since they’re a summer staple! Adding fresh peaches to Greek yogurt or your TLS® Shake is a great way to add them in.

Grapes seem to be a fan-favorite for the summer months, and they’re a great portable snack to help maintain your slim and trim waistline.  We love them frozen & dipped in a little yogurt!






Why not whip up a fresh fruit salad with all of your favorite local, in-season fruits to your next barbeque?  Consider pairing it with some plain Greek Yogurt and a little bit of organic granola or local honey, and I bet that your fruit salad will go fast…even before the chocolate chip cookies!


不防為下一個燒烤聚會上用新鮮水果沙律搭配你最喜愛的當造水果? 考慮將它配合一些原味希臘乳酪和少許有機穀麥片或本地蜂蜜食用,我肯定你的水果沙律會非常受歡迎…甚至比朱古力曲奇更受歡迎!