Tomato Mushroom Spaghetti 香濃鮮茄蘑菇蝦炒意粉

By: TLS Certified Coach Dorothy Wong

升糖指數(Glycemic Index, GI)是用來量度各類含碳水化合物(醣質)的食物在進食後對血糖影響程度的數值,從而表示食物對血糖的影響。葡萄糖的指數為100。高低GI的食物,是對血糖水平影響快慢及幅度的比較。常吃高GI食物,容易令血糖不穩定,有機會引發糖尿病。進食低升糖指數食物,有助穩定血糖,預防糖尿病/減低糖尿病併發症風險;亦給與身體飽足感,較容易控制體重。例如:同等份量的白米飯和意大利粉,前者屬高升糖指數食物(>70),後者為低升糖指數食物(<55)。以下香濃鮮茄蘑菇蝦炒意粉為低升糖食物推介之一。蘑菇和蝦含有豐富優質蛋白質,配以水分含量高、熱量低的青瓜,含維生素、膳食纖維和礦物質。纖維量越高,GI越低。另外,在外吃茄汁意粉,通常醬汁加入大量增味劑;鮮蕃茄有多種維生素、礦物質及脂溶性抗氧度高的茄紅素,自家製就健康得多了。



Glycemic Index (GI) is a measure of the effect of various types of carbohydrate-containing (glycogen) on blood sugar after eating, thereby indicating the effect of food on blood sugar¹. The index of glucose is 100. High and low GI foods are defined by how fast the blood sugar level is affected after eating. Eating high-GI foods often makes blood sugar unstable and has the chance to trigger diabetes. Eating low-glycemic index foods helps stabilize blood sugar, prevent diabetes/reduce the risk of diabetic complications, and gives the body a feeling of fullness and helps with weight management¹. For example: the same amount of white rice and spaghetti, the former is a high glycemic index food (>70), and the latter is a low glycemic index food (<55)¹. The following spaghetti recipe is one of the recommended low-glycemic foods. Mushrooms and shrimps are rich in high-quality protein, combined with high-water content, low-calorie cucumbers, containing vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals. The higher the amount of fiber, the lower the GI. In addition, store made tomato spaghetti usually have large amount of flavoring added to the sauce; fresh tomatoes have a variety of vitamins, minerals and lycopene with high fat-soluble antioxidants, and home-made recipe is much healthier².


Servings/ 份量: 2 人 persons



鮮茄 2 個

大蘑菇 (Portobello mushroom) 2 個

中蝦(巳脫殼) 10-15 隻

意粉 約2 小碗

青瓜 1-2條



2 pieces Garlics

2 Tomato

2 Portobello mushroom

10-15 Pawn (unshelled)

Approx. 2 C Spaghetti

1-2 Cucumber


½ 湯匙 麻油

1   湯匙 豆粉



Marinate sauce for pawn 

½ Tbsp Sesame oil

1 Tbsp Cornmeal

Pinch of salt


Tomato paste

1 small piece rock sugar

½ tsp salt


1 粒 細冰糖

½ 茶匙 鹽




  1. 煲滾水、下鹽,將意粉灼熟,瀝乾備用。
  2. 用少量麻油、豆粉、鹽醃中蝦,落鑊炒香,備用。
  3. 大蘑菇切片,落鑊炒香,備用。
  4. 青瓜先用鹽水浸泡去除農藥,去皮,切片(可略煎,或拌碟生吃)。
  5. 鮮茄切片或粒,加少許香草(我會用普羅旺斯香草Provence Herbs) , 隨自己喜愛加入少量冰糖和鹽,慢火煑至稠糊狀,約煮5-8分鐘
  6. 蒜頭2瓣切片,落油炒香,放意粉先略炒香,再放大蘑菇及中蝦,最後加入鮮茄醬炒勻,便可上碟,生青瓜片拌吃。



  1. Boil water and add salt. Cook spaghetti, drain and set aside when done.
  2. Add a little sesame oil, cornmeal, and salt to marinate pawns, stir fry in pan, set aside when done.
  3. Slice mushroom, stir fry in frying pan, set aside.
  4. Wash cucumber with salty water to remove pesticide, peel skin and slice cucumbers (You can pan fry or eat it fresh.)
  5. Slice or dice tomatoes, add a little herbs (such as Provence Herbs), according to personal preference to add rock sugar and salt for taste. Cook tomatoes under low heat until mushy, about 5 to 8 minutes.
  6. Slice garlic pieces, stir fry with oil in frying pan, add cooked spaghetti, mushroom and pawns, add tomato paste at the end, mix well. Serve with fresh cucumber slices on the side.




Sources / 資料來源: