By: Sosan Hua, RD, CDE, TLS Director of Training

近年來,越來越多的研究表明,我們的腸道對身體其他方面的健康有著重要影響。 我們的飲食、運動、睡眠和壓力水平也都會影響我們的腸道健康。 我們常說健康的身體是基於健康的腸道。 你的身上有數以萬億計的細菌,而這些細菌大部分都存在於你的腸道中。

腸道中的細菌會影響不同食物的消化,而且會影響你身體用於控制飢餓感和飽肚感的荷爾蒙。你腸道中的細菌能幫助你消化食物和吸收重要的營養成份。無論你是想獲得健康的體重,還是減去頑固的脂肪或體重,腸道都扮演著重要角色。一項研究表明,體重超重人士腸道中的細菌多樣性較低,而C-反應蛋白水平較高。1 此外,我們知道高水平的 C -反應蛋白會阻礙大腦接收瘦體素(讓我們知道有飽肚感的荷爾蒙)的信號2,因此我們不能接收到有飽肚感的信號,導致我們未能即時停止進食。所以,改善我們的腸道健康或保持良好的腸道健康對於體重管理至關重要。以下有一些小貼士,可以增加腸道微生物群的多樣性並支持你的消化系統健康:

  1. 進行任何 TLS計劃。在 TLS 中,我們始終強調低升糖飲食,吃有益健康的食物(蔬菜和水果)。為什麼?因為它們含豐富對腸道細菌有益的膳食纖維。此外,它們含豐富營養成份、抗氧化物、維他命和礦物質。
  2. 將發酵食品添加到你的 TLS 計劃中。乳酪(希臘乳酪或低脂乳酪)、康普茶(Kombucha)、克非爾(Kefir)、酸菜和泡菜等食物,它們都含豐富有益的益生菌,支持健康的腸道微生物群。
  3. 考慮添加益生菌益生菌 10NutriClean腸道營養纖維粉為你的腸道提供額外支持。每款產品都提供有益細菌以促進健康消化,而且益生菌 10 還有助於支援減重效果。*
  4. 消化和吸收營養。這對於確保你身體獲得充足營養和保持健康至關重要。食用Isotonix 消化酵素沖飲(含益生菌)可以提供酵素和有益細菌,有助營養消化和吸收。 *
  5. 限制對你無益的食物,如含精製碳水化合物、糖、不健康的精煉油的食物和常見乳製品中的脂肪,都會減少身體炎症和對腸道微生物群的影響。
  6. 每天喝大量的水(至少 8 杯)。如果你發現很難喝到8杯水,請在水中添加柑橘類水果。
  7. 讓你的身體動起來。讓運動成為你日常生活的一部分。
  8. 開始吧。如果想開始你的腸道健康和減重之旅,我們始終建議從 TLS 7天排毒飲食計劃開始。通過貼士 1-7 繼續你的健康腸道之旅,以幫助保持身體健康並為你的減重進度提供支援。


In recent years, more and more studies have shown that our gut health plays a huge role in affecting many facets of our health.  Our diet, exercise, sleep, and stress levels all affect our gut health.  We always say the road to health is paved with good intestines.  Your body contains trillions of bacteria, and most of these bacteria are in your intestines.

It influences how different food is digested and it affects your hormones to let you know when you are full or hungry.  The bacteria in your gut help you digest food and enable you to absorb important nutrients.  It’s no surprise that the gut plays a role in affecting your weight whether you are looking to gain healthy weight or lose those stubborn fats or weight.   A study has shown that people who are overweight had lower gut bacteria diversity and higher levels of C- reactive protein 1. Furthermore, we know that high levels of C-reactive protein impede access of leptin (hormones that let us know we are full) to the brain2, so hence we don’t get the full signal to stop eating when we should.  Therefore, improving our gut health or maintaining good gut health is so vital to weight management.  Here are some helpful tips to increase the diversity of your gut microbiomes and support your digestive health:

  1. Follow any TLS menu plan. In TLS, we always emphasize eating a low glycemic impact diet rich in wholesome food (vegetables and fruits). Why? They are rich in dietary fiber that is good for gut bacteria. In addition, they are rich in nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
  2. Add fermented foods to your TLS plan. Foods such as yogurt (Greek yogurt or low-fat yogurt), kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi contain beneficial probiotics to support a healthy gut microbiome.
  3. Consider adding probiotics. Probiotics 10 and NutriClean Advanced Fiber Powder provide extra support for your gut. Each provides beneficial bacteria to promote healthy digestion, while Probiotics 10 also helps support weight loss efforts. *
  4. Digesting and absorbing nutrients. This is essential to ensure your body is equipped with adequate nutrition for good health.  Taking Isotonix® Digestive Enzyme Powder Drink with Probiotics can provide enzymes and good bacteria to promote digestion and absorption. *
  5. Limit foods that don’t serve you. Foods that are high in refined carbohydrates, sugar, unhealthy processed oils, and fats in addition to conventional dairy reduce inflammation as well as affecting your gut microbiome.
  6. Drink plenty of water (at least 8 cups) daily. Add citrus if you find it hard to get adequate amounts of water.
  7. Move your body. Make physical activity part of your daily routine.
  8. Kick start it. If you really want to kick start your gut health and weight loss journey, we always suggest starting with our TLS 7-Day Detox Program. Continue your healthy gut journey with tips 1-7 to help maintain good health and support your weight loss progress.



*These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  1. 2013 Aug 29;500(7464):541-6.doi: 10.1038/nature12506. Richness of human gut microbiome correlated with metabolic markers.
  2. Li J and et. Biochemical Journal. May 2016, volume 473, issue 9. Human C-creative protein impedes entry of leptin into the CNS and attenuates its physiological actions in the CNS.