雞肉伴意大利黑醋 Chicken with Balsamic Vinegar


Protein & Fiber at every meal makes losing weight no big deal! Protein is one of the key nutrients you need each meal, it helps increase feeling of fullness, maintain blood sugar level after meal and build up muscles.  Chicken breast is the best source among other meats, it contains less fat and more protein in the same portion size. In TLS, boiled chicken breast is never an option, we provide recipes for you to make the chicken breast healthy and delicious, here is a quick and easy way to get it ready.

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🥣份量 Servings


🥗食材 Ingredients

雞胸Chicken Breasts 2件

Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Avocado Oil

鹽Salt ½茶匙 tsp
黑胡椒Black Pepper ¼茶匙tsp
大蒜Garlic 1 瓣Clove, 切碎Minced
蘑菇Mushrooms 150克g, 切片Sliced
意大利黑醋Balsamic Vinegar 1湯匙Tbsp
月桂葉Bay Leaf 1片
百里香Thyme ½茶匙tsp
蔬菜高湯Vegetable Broth ½杯Cup


👨🍳做法 Method

  1. 以鹽和胡椒為雞胸調味。

Season chicken breasts with salt and pepper.

  1. 在煎鑊中燒熱橄欖油,以中大火煎雞胸一邊約3分鐘至金黃色

Heat oil in a heavy skillet and cook the chicken breasts over medium-high heat until nicely browned on one side, about three minutes.

  1. 加入大蒜。翻轉雞胸,撒上蘑菇。一邊煎煮,一邊搖動煎鑊,令蘑菇平均分佈和受熱。煮約3分鐘。

Add garlic. Turn the chicken pieces over and scatter the mushrooms on top. Continue cooking, shaking the skillet and redistributing the mushrooms to cook evenly. Cook for about three minutes.

  1. 加入意大利黑醋、蔬菜高湯、月桂葉和百里香。緊緊蓋上鑊蓋,以中大火煮約10分鐘。間中翻轉雞肉。

Add balsamic vinegar, broth, bay leaf and thyme. Cover and cook over moderately high heat for about 10 minutes. Turn the pieces occasionally as they cook.

  1. 用食物溫度計檢查雞肉,如何中心溫度達到165°F(74°C)便已煮熟。把雞肉轉移到盤子裡。不要蓋上鑊蓋,以小火烹煮醬汁約3-4分鐘。

Check chicken breasts with a meat thermometer; it’s done when the internal temperature reaches 165°F(74°C). Transfer the chicken to a warm platter. Let the sauce cook, uncovered, over low heat for about 3-4 minutes.

  1. 取走月桂葉。在雞肉上淋上醬汁和蘑菇,配上一大盤新鮮蔬菜或焗蔬菜。

Remove bay leaf. Pour the sauce and mushrooms over the chicken and serve with a large plate of fresh or roasted vegetables.

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