10招教你抵擋零食的誘惑 10 Tips to Stop Craving for Junk Foods

By: Winnie Wong


Food craving is the biggest obstacle for weight loss. I am sure you sometimes want to eat some kind of food so eagerly, especially those snacks and processed foods high in sugar and fat. What even worse is you can’t stop eating after having a bite. Eventually, you gain weight instead of lose weight. Do you want to get rid of this scenario? Here is 10 tips to help you refrain from the temptation of evil snacks.

  1. 喝水


Drink Water

Food craving or feeling hungry may be caused by  dehydration. When you suddenly crave for specific food, try to drink a big cup of water and wait for few minutes. Your desire for eating may go away as your body actually needs water instead of food. Also, drinking water between meals can help reduce your appetite and is good for weight loss.


  1. 攝取更多蛋白質



Increase the intake of Protein

Increase the portion of protein in your diet can help reduce your appetite and keep you feeling full for longer. It can help avoid overeating. 1

A study shows that overweight women can significantly reduce the desire for food after having the high protein breakfast. 2


  1. 分散注意力



When you experience food craving, try to focus on other issues. For example, going out for a walk or taking shower that can shift your attention. The change of your mind and environment can help prevent from food craving. You may also try the sugar free chewing gum to overcome the urge to eat.


  1. 計劃你的餐單


Plan your meal

Spend some time to build a healthy meal for the upcoming day or week. When you have a meal plan, you can easily follow the plan to eat and will be less likely to choose the healthy food.


  1. 避免過度饑餓


Avoid being excessive hungry

Hunger is one of the fatal factors that lead to food craving. To avoid being excessive hungry, you should eat regularly and prepare some healthy snacks, such as TLS Nutrition Shake.


  1. 應付壓力


據研究顯示,女士在處於壓力狀況下,明顯較沒有壓力的女士攝取更多卡路里及較常感到口痕。4 此外,壓力更會增加血液中的皮質醇水平,引致體重增加,尤其是腹部脂肪。5

Handle stress properly

Stress can prompt to food craving and affect your eating habit, especially for ladies. 3 According to a study, women under pressure obviously got more calories intake and are more likely to have food craving than those without pressure. 4 Also, stress will increase the blood levels of cortisol which leads to weight gain, especially in the belly fat. 5

  1. 充足睡眠


睡眠不足可會擾亂荷爾蒙的波動,因而引致食慾不振或暴飲暴食。5 有研究顯示,睡眠不足人士較睡眠充足人士有55%更高的機會變成肥胖。6 因此充足睡眠是其中一個最佳的方法抑制口痕。

Sleep well

Your appetite is much affected by the fluctuation of hormones.

Lack of sleep can disrupt such fluctuation and cause loss of appetite or overeating. 5

A study proves that people lacking in sleep tend to 55% more likely to be suffered from obesity than those with enough sleep.


  1. 飲食正確


Eat properly

Hunger and lack of essential nutrients can also induce food craving. Therefore, healthy diet is important to fight food craving. Fill your body with proper nutrients can prevent you from feeling hungry after every meal. If you want to have some snacks between meals, make sure you take the healthy options such as vegetables, fruits or nuts.


  1. 別在肚餓時逛超級市場


Don’t shop in the supermarket when you are hungry

When you are hungry or craving to eat, never go to the supermarket. You can easily find whatever you want to eat and those unhealthy foods are always placed at your eye level. In order not to lose control in eating, try to shop in the supermarket only when you are feeling full.


  1. 勿存放大量零食


Don’t stock up snacks

Environment plays an important role in weight management. If you place numerous snacks around you, you will be easily tempted. Out of sight, out of mind! It’s better to leave those unhealthy snacks in the supermarket.



  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18448177
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25098557
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24126546



  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11070333
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12119665


  1. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-ways-to-stop-food-cravings#section6