TLS農曆新年假期體重管理貼士 TLS Weight Management Tips for Lunar New Year Holiday


對大部份人而言,農曆新年假期絕對不是減重的最好時機。相信很多人不會於節日定下減重目標,因為這只會讓假期徒增壓力及負擔,而且不能盡情享受假期。不如我們為這個假期定另一個目標 ── 假期零增重。不用擔心,以下有幾個農曆新年假期貼士幫你依然可在假期間享受各種美食和聚會,一樣能維持體重,或者保持你的體重管理進度。


傳統的賀年小食大部分都是高糖分和高熱量的食物,例如: 糖果,朱古力和糖蓮藕等。可以用更健康的瓜籽和堅果取代,同時亦要留意鹽份和糖份,建議選擇原味乾焗。但需要留意食用份量,不可過量。









帶上TLS 假期零增重孖寶

TLS修身茶含有GoTrim,支援瘦體素敏感度,從而有助管理及控制飽肚感,促進脂肪分解,減少攝取的澱粉轉換為三酸甘油脂以及儲存為脂肪。TLS CORE高效修身配方健醣 ‧ 控脂二合一含有LeptiCore™能幫助抑制食慾,抑制澱粉酵素,減慢碳水化合物吸收及或有助減少體內脂肪。兩款產品的其他健康好處更多不勝數。因此,去聚會派對之前,先享用一杯冷熱皆宜的TLS修身茶,或者食用簡單快捷的TLS CORE高效修身配方,都能幫你在享盡美食之餘,亦能維持健康體重管理。記得時刻隨身攜帶它們!



For most people, the Lunar New Year holiday is not the best time to lose weight. They will not set a weight management goal for the holiday, since it only increases the pressure and burden in the holyday and cannot enjoy the holiday. Why don’t we set a Zero Weight Gain for the holiday? Don’t worry, here are the Lunar New Year Holiday tips for you, so that you can enjoy the foods and parties in the holiday, as well as maintain your weight or maintain your weight management progress.

Select Healthy Lunar New Year Snacks

Most of the traditional Chinese New Year snacks are high-sugar and high-calorie foods, such as candies, chocolate and sugar lotus root. Seeds and nuts are healthier option to replace them, but beware of the salt and sugar content. It is recommended to choose original roasted flavor. Also, you should pay attention to your serving size.

Scope out the food ahead of time

In order to pre-select your choices, scope out the buffet or food options prior to approaching with a plate. This will ensure that you stay away from rich or sweet items. Fill you plate with high-fiber veggies and dishes first, proteins next, and starches and grains last. Remember, protein and fiber blunt the glycemic index and help you feel full. This simple strategy helps slow the breakdown of starches and prevents the spike of blood sugar levels that puts you in fat-storage mode.

Eat slowly

Pausing between bites, taking a deep breath or two, and putting your fork down are all strategies that will aid digestion and allow the body to give you the “I am full” message before you’ve overeaten.

Bring a healthy dish with you

Going to have some hot pot? Bring your own TLS approved foods, so at least you will have something to splurge on. or bring your own healthy side dish or fun salad. Remember: TLS dishes don’t have to be boring. Make it a tasty and guilt-free, need some ideas? Click here to download numerous TLS® recipes.

Go to the party full!

Eat a healthy snack or meal or have a TLS® Nutrition Shake before going to a party to ease hunger, cravings and temptations. Our TLS Nutrition Shake has 18 g of protein, 10 g of fiber, and 22 essential vitamins and minerals, and if you add a small serving of your favorite fruit, some spinach, zucchini, cucumber and kale, you will be satisfied and also not alter the incredible flavor of the shake.

Keep exercising!

Don’t stop exercising; this will slow the metabolism and fat-burning. As busy as you can get, know that even an intense 10-minute workout is better than nothing! A short but intense workout can boost the metabolism for up to 18 hours! Fit it in your holiday fitness. A party is not the only way to meet friends and family, an exercise session in holiday is a choice to congregate and enjoy your time together.

Bring TLS Holiday Zero Weight Gain Duo

TLS Trim Tea have GoTrim™, which supports leptin sensitivity to help manage and curb hunger, stimulate lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) and reduce the amount of ingested starches that are converted to triglycerides and stored as fat. TLS CORE FAT & CARB INHIBITOR have LeptiCore™, which may help suppress appetite, Inhibits the amylase enzyme and slows the absorption of carbohydrates and may help to reduce fat stores in the body. Not to mention many other health benefits of both products. Before you go to the party, enjoy a cup of Trim Tea hot or cold, or simply take TLS CORE, then you can enjoy the foods, as well as maintain a healthy weight management. Always remember to take them with you!

*These products are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.